I went to the Christie Antique Show today with my mom. She hunted for costume jewellery while I dug through bins of anything and everything looking for bits of nostalgia.
I scoured the booths today for all things sewing....though I saw many neat contraptions, dress forms and antique Singer machines I couldn't afford, I managed to bring home a nice pile of goodies at a good bargain. I raided every place for sewing patterns, there weren't too many but I found them!
Check out my loot.
-4 patterns!
- vintage floral fabric
-wood shoe form
- pretty lace remnant and roll of pink taffeta seam binding (Made in Canada!)
-1922 book from Glasgow on cutting and sewing blouses, dresses and costumes
-metal hemming clip
-a stationary Orco Pin-It Skirt Marker...wood and metal....$6, awesome!
The patterns to add to the collection:
Butterick 6934 (left) is a sweet 50's day dress.
McCall's 5385 (right) is a child's dress pattern from 1960.
Fun fact: In the fine print on right side it reads "Not suitable for chubby girls". Yes, believe it or not. Another fun thing about this pattern...it was designed as a mother-daughter matching set. I found an image of the adult version below!
Mommy dearest- version.
Advance/Mattel Barbie fashion doll pattern (left) from 1961. I am looking forward to making these mini-ensembles....7 year old me would just die.
Simplicity 1201 (right), mid-fifties blouse coordinate. I like the ones with shoulder ties.
This is a tease from the 1922 sewing book gem I acquired.

"Measures, and how to take them" still incredibly useful.
Complete with neat cursive notes from the previous owner.
An aside, I picked up the new Vogue Patterns magazine (also my first-ever copy of one) and I am in love. I don't usually buy magazines, I prefer thorough books. However I have been missing out. I am still reading, but this article about designer Adam Arnold inspired me. Mainly, check out his rack of muslin samples........Crazy work ethic on hundreds of hangers! His story is quite interesting.
On the way to the show we stopped at a garage sale and I scored these sweet picket fence glasses. Set of 6 and matching pitcher, Made in Germany....$4. Score?
And because my house is sometimes a nuthouse.....I had to have it. My only non-sewing purchase from the show.
That's all for now...still to come, bridesmaids dresses. I swear...
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